Legal notice
1 Legal information (from now it will be named as the WEBSITE) is a domain registered by NEUMATICOS ANDRES S.A.U. a Company registered in the Commercial Register of Salamanca, sheet number SA-116010. C.I.F.: A-84593722. (from now it will be named as the COMPANY)
CIF: A-84593722.
SOCIAL ADDRESS: Crta Vitigudino km 0.5 (C-517)
Centro de transportes
37008 Salamanca
TELEPHONE: +34 902 19 32 48.
2 Service Characteristics
The access to the WEBSITE is free by now, so the use of the website and buy or contract our products through the website are not subject to have any economic consideration.
3 User Liability
The website user undertakes not to use the website and the information provided on it for carrying out any activities contrary to the Law, morals, or civic order and, in general, to use it under the conditions set by the company.
The user will be exclusively responsible of any opinions, contents, and, in general, activities performed by him or her, so the company will not be responsible of any damage or detriments that may result from those activities out of control or knowledge of the company.
4 Company Liability
The COMPANY will not be responsible of any failure in the access to the Website or any error in the contents, but the Company will be as diligence as possible in order to it will never happen.
The COMPANY reserves the right to temporarily suspend without any notice, the access to the WEBSITE connection because of a possible need for maintenance, repair, renovation or improvement.
5 Hyperlinks
The establishment of any hyperlink from a different website to any website of the Company is subject to the following conditions::
- The reproduction of any partial or full content on the Company Website is not allowed.
- Any false, inaccurate or incorrect information of the Company Website will be never shown.
- The Company will be never responsible of any content, information, statement, opinion, or service published and shown on the website that offer the hyperlink to this Company Website.
- Any hyperlink will be made to the Company Website’s homepage.
The hyperlinks to the Company Website have been previously agreed and negotiated with the owners of the websites linked pages. The Company will not be responsible for any misuse or activities contrary to Law, morals or civic order made by the users on those linked pages.
6 Validity of the Terms of Use
The terms of use of this website are indefinite. The Company reserves in any case the unilateral right to modify the conditions of access to them, as well as its content.
7 Null and inefficiency of the clauses
If any clause included in these conditions would be declared totally or partially null or ineffective, that invalidity will affect only that provision or part of it that is invalid or ineffectual, subsisting in all other conditions.
8 Law and Jurisdiction
The provision of this website and these use conditions are governed by Spanish Law. The competent Jurisdiction shall be applied in the consumer’s home.